Volcanoes have been a part of earth's history long before humans. Compare the history of human beings, a few million years in the making, to that of the Earth, over four billion years in the making. Volcanoes were important contributors to the early earth atmosphere by releasing gases such as nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and ammonia (NH4).
Eruption Date Volume in km3 -------- ---- -------------- Paricutin, Mexico 1943 1.3 Mt. Vesuvius, Italy 79 A.D. 3 Mount St. Helen, Washington 1980 4 Krakatoa, Indonesia 1883 18 Long Valley, California pre-historic >450 & <700 Yellowstone, Wyoming pre-historic 2400Note that volcanic eruptions that occurred before historic times were several orders of magnitude larger (more than 1000 km3 in erupted volume) than ones observed by humans.
created by Lorrie Lava, lava@pele.bigu.edu
Volcanic Studies, Big University
last modified: April 1, 1995
URL: http://www.bigu.edu/web/intro.html